Helping a Loved One?
Know Your Options. Let's Talk.
Your job taking care of your loved one may be just beginning, or maybe you're at the point where you need to stop and take a break just to rest and take care of yourself. If you are caring for a parent or loved one over sixty, or an adult with a disability, please contact your local ADRC or call 1-888-538-3031 for help and support. There is no charge for the consultation.
Visit our Dementia section for specific information about with Alzheimer's or other dementias.
Watch this video as Trisha Witham, Dementia Care Specialist, and program host James Wyngaard discuss the ADRC and WE CARE, a Barron County group focused on actively addressing the county's direct care worker shortage.
Caregivers Provide All Kinds of Support
Maybe you don’t think of yourself as a caregiver, because “it’s not that bad yet.” But when the support you provide helps your parent or other loved one stay independent, you are already a caregiver. That sort of help includes:
Calling regularly
Providing rides
Checking on medical concerns
Helping pay bills
Cleaning the home
Handling yard work
Maybe you're ready to consider an Adult Day Program. Caregivers and family members often benefit from the opportunity to share and learn from others experiencing similar concerns. Find current information about local support groups in your county’s resource guide or contact the ADRC. No matter where you are on the caregiving path, you can get help at your local ADRC.
Our online resource guide provides information by county about a variety of resources.
If you're caring for someone with dementia, consider attending our Dementia Caregiver Support Group.
Save Time, Money and Energy
We’ve Done the Research.
You’ll get free, comprehensive, unbiased information and assistance from our staff and our Resource Directories on a full range of subjects, including:
Health Insurance/Assistance
Senior Centers/Senior Dining
Food and Nutrition
In-home Help/Home Care
Home Repairs
Memory Issues/Alzheimer’s/Dementia
Lifeline/Personal Emergency Response System
Social Security/SSI/Legal/Benefits
Energy/Utility Assistance
Working With Family
Sometimes one of the biggest hurdles to change comes from within a family. Our specialists have years of experience working with all sorts of families, living all across the country.
A consultation with the ADRC staff provides an “outside voice” and often paves the way for your loved one to make decisions that improve safety and quality of life. Consultations can be set up with the individual and/or caregivers by phone or video conference.
Please note: If your loved one doesn’t live in Barron or Rusk County,
Learn On Your Own
We have a variety of books, brochures and DVDs available on loan. Topics range from caregiver wellness to specific health conditions. You can also find many good resources on the Wisconsin ADRC Information and Assistance page.
Additional caregiver information links include:
You Can Meet the Challenge
Caregiving is a two-sided coin. While you experience the satisfaction and rewards of helping someone else, you may also feel stress, frustrations and guilt, compounded by concerns about the future.
Contact us for help on your caregiver journey.
Respite Care Providers Are Needed
Becoming a Respite Care Provider in Wisconsin provides a brief introduction to respite care and related training support through Respite Care Providers of Wisconsin for individuals interested in becoming independent respite care providers.
Become a Professional Personal Care Worker
A Personal Care Worker (PCW) is a professional who assists people with day-to-day activities. For example, they help with household chores, hygiene, and mobility support. You can find PCWs working at assisted living facilities and in-home care agencies. Anyone that is 16 years of age or older can be a PCW. Part-time and flexible schedules. Required training and certification can be completed through the Healthcare Workforce Training Institute at or 715-726-3849.
Learn more about it here and find out more about caregiving in Barron County at the monthly We Care meeting at 4:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday. Meetings are virtual; to join virtually, email for the link. Questions? Call Alisa Lammers at 715-537-6225.
Registration is not required.